“If you could travel anywhere, which MAS Stimulus Package will you use and why?”

If you know me, you’d know the answer to this one.

It’s all I ever talk about when it comes to traveling.

And really, I don’t know how to explain what draws me to this place.

Maybe it’s the buildings.


The unpretentious architecture that holds years of history. Some that are sadly forgotten.

Or maybe it’s the beauty of its urban tenacity: )


Or the pace. The thrill in knowing that in very turn therein lies a mystery and an adventure just waiting to be experienced.


Or the feeling of freedom in walking down to the park and feeling like you’re in someone’s backyard–when in reality you’re in the heart of everything that is bustling.


The aged but fully maintained boathouse, one of the many prides of the city. A place of solace, a place of hope and the meeting point for a lot of great love stories.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, I am talking about New York City.


New York City.


The Big Apple.

A perimeter of fast-paced humans all running and gunning to finish the rat race.

A melting pot of people from different ethnicity, culture and background.

An ethereal city that has become the dream and ambition of many spirited individuals such as myself.

The capital of commerce, fashion and music.

New York City.

Many may write me off as one of the many naive dreamers who think that city life is so glamorous and awesome when in reality it is only a facade.

I happen to love the city in spite of it.

I’m not there to chase the un-fulfilling dream of climbing the corporate ladder to become the CEO of some big shot company.

Or joining the redundant dog-eat-dog world of the soul sucking music industry.

Or jump at the chance of working at an all renowned fashion magazine, where I lose all brevity of human life in a pointless 9 to 9 job.

I want to just watch and observe and be amongst the chaos.

I want to just be able to look at the city for what it is rather than overlook it like the rest of its citizens.

I want to get lost in the city as opposed to losing my self to the city.

I want to just be there to take it all in.

I want to be there.

And just live.

So to answer the aforementioned question: New York – Newark International with the MH Flex 1+1  MAS Stimulus Package.

A chance to fulfill a dream with someone who is my dream and observe as the city whizzes past us, while we remain still.

“Cos I’ve found some kinda fairytale…”